Dr. Wing is first to admit that he would be nowhere if it weren’t for his outstanding team of orthodontic superheroes (“Wing Team, Assemble!”) Although he has to look the other way during staff meetings when they’re eating guacamole, hummus, and vegemite sandwiches, he is in constant awe and admiration at how these girls go out of their way to give our patients the best experience possible. If you’ve ever checked out our 350+ 5-star Google reviews, you will notice that their awesomeness is mentioned in almost every single one.
We realize that when parents ask their kids what was done at their orthodontic appointment, they want more than the teenager “uhhh ... I don’t know” response. It’s for this reason that either Dr. Wing or one of our team members will update you at each appointment on treatment progress and happily translate your child’s response for you.

Office Manager
- Joined Wing Team: April 2008
- Favorite Pastimes: Reading, Pinterest, and being with family and friends
- Favorite Movies: Wedding Crashers and Pitch Perfect
- Favorite Hollywood Smile: Paul Walker
- Favorite Movie Snacks: Red Vines and popcorn
- Favorite Movie Hero or Villain: Heath Ledger as the Joker

Treatment Coordinator
- Joined Wing Team: November 2019
- Favorite Pastimes: Vacations with my family on the beach
- Favorite Movie: The Greatest Showman
- Favorite Hollywood Smile: Julia Roberts
- Favorite Movie Snack: Sour Patch Kids
- Favorite Movie Hero: Sherlock Holmes
Scheduling Coordinator
Public Relations Coordinator
- Joined Wing Team: October 2009
- Favorite Pastimes: Reading, spending time with my kids and grandbabies, and paddle boarding with my husband
- Favorite Movie: JoJo Rabbit
- Favorite Hollywood Smile: Scarlett Johansson
- Favorite Movie Snacks: Hot Tamales and Harkins popcorn with Peanut M&Ms in it
- Favorite Movie Hero: Han Solo

Back Office Lead Assistant
- Joined Wing team: November 2018
- Favorite Pastime: Game night with family, friends, and my kids!
- Favorite Movie: The Breakfast Club
- Favorite Hollywood Smile: Julia Roberts
- Favorite Movie Snack: Popcorn with dark chocolate M&Ms

Back Office Assistant
- Joined Wing Team: June 2021
- Favorite Pastime: Being outside, spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Movie: Just Go With It
- Favorite Hollywood Smile: Patrick Dempsey
- Favorite Movie Snack: Goldfish
- Favorite Movie Hero: Beast, from Beauty and the Beast